The BHB Blogger. |
Sunday, April 27, 2008
now i can't wait for poly
as the title infers. i dont have to copy and paste it again but for the sake of people who can't reaqd titles. i can't wait to go to poly!! DANG thanks to jonas for bringing me to meet phantos~ ( his empire ) aha. met great people such as dollie ( is this how you spell it?) Yanti! and Shawn! haha had dopeass fun from marina sq. to esplanade even saw ayu! zomg long time no see hahah jonas said it right on the dot! AYU YOU SLIMED DOWN that makes you that much skinnier! Lool must be fasting eh ? :O okok. anyway how fun it was? hella fun played datona!! and i hate it if you're damn pro la! cuz like if you're infront the cars behind will be faster no matter what they purposely make it lidat so its less imba? and like i was leading for the first 7 laps! ZOMG last lap i even took the short cut then tio overtake by ughh i forgot their names lool ;o yaya then watched the super lame super hero movie! prodigy but compared to epic movie. this thing rocks the socks off my dork. like DRAGONFLY MAN Lool but dunno why halfway thru the movie tio cut 5mins lidat okok and i totally forgot what i did. no wait ohyes the day before met up with andy benson and syafiq haha. funny as hell also laugh until cmi.. and today i saw something i guess i shouldnt have saw. and i thought i would totally forget about it. ah well im fine haha. replies~ ERIC J/K - aha eric joking. okok . EH im not a LITTLE gay.. im a TALL AND SKINNY GAY :O do take note :D pamelahh - loool read la its entertainment! OH AND TEACH ME RAGGAE ;O if you're tat lazy and want to read my blog. maybe hire someone to read it and summarise for you lahh :D
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
pms? lol
du zhi wei is like having pms now. quote from him which he quoted from me. today basketball like. first half so high. then after that legs cannot make it le. almost gonna fall apart. but sadly no cramps. i think. FEET DID CRAMP LOl w/e im gonna reach the ok and so im still having troubles spelling MOSTARGE/MUSSTUAGE/moustauge LOl. serioiusly im spelling all of these words trying my best to get it. and i think its moustache now. oo looks like im getting close. oh no wait pamela just replied and its spelt moustache oh yeah! i finally got it! lol ooh it looks just like the one i spelt before! but w/e oh yes. and i wanted to leave a goatee? lol :X but i don't know how? i guess i'll just shave for now. since even if i managed to leave 0.1mm of goatee TAN/Humji will prolly come and get me. *coughLOSERScough* SUE ME you control freaks demed gunbound server is down and zhiwei just told me how my blogs are long. and i also dunno how they managed to get so long! perhaps i really have alot to say? improves my writing skills anyway. i just need some profound vocabulary to aid me in my postings then i'll be like XIA XUE or like DAWN YANG anyway. reading about goatees. i came across this guy's post about how Facial hair + attitude = Success! aha. about how he magically started dating friend's friends with a goatee and a careless attitude but i think it might work for ang mors and that like. maybe chineses will look like crap thanks to our sharp features? BUT DAMN ITS WORTH A SHOT LOL im only 15. damned MOUSTACHE (YAY I GOT IT RIGHT) GROW FASTER OMG LOl tml are the first paper. but i aint so like gan chiong unlike last year about this mye. don't know why. but its more relaxed phase. im still sleeping in class. but the others are like playing? LooOl but you'll see a few revising in class already and daniel and ken made paper poker cards how dope is that although. i'll say their handwriting sucks? but compared to mind. theirs are godly. they should have hired eugene to write their cards for them anyway. ohwell :O guess i should be shui jiao-ing soon? :O w/e im going like NOW? aha. peace out check in check out what up what down paper planes frlying around YE-AHER
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
gunbound o gunbound
i just realised the pattern of my computer! it needs like the same amount of time to rest as the amount of time i use it! DARN at least this helps with reducing my addiction(parents, you know what to do! SPOIL YOUR CHILDREN"S COMPUTER TO PREVENT THEIR ADDICTON) aha. aha kidding anyway. last night had great fun locking dang realised saturday ian was already back and he was teaching skeeter rabbit . ROAR ._. at least i roughly know how to do it. just need to get the basic roots of the move. so he gave me and jonas a challenge after the session to give him a solid one next week! and he will have it!! (: today was dopppeee too session in class, blasting with the speaker. mwahahaha. i can't say which speaker ;O and we(men jonas) took a stupid techno video! lool its funny as well. will link when his done remixing it! haha thanks for filming wei hao! sorry we couldnt add you. someone had to hold the camera ;x roarrr and my top rock improved! YAY and i could do handstands for a longer period of times ( HERE I COME 2000 ) EHE and have been playing gunbound, gunz, audition lately. i think i'll strike audtion out soon. haha not really my type of game. only love a few of their cltohes the rest looks so poser-lishous la.. for the guys tat is. the girls ah. the custume hot till buay tahan i think got french maid one also sia i dunno. dint bother to go browse around gunbound is dope! i downloaded it last ssaturday together with gunz!! 2 days i reached double hammer le ! wahaha ;O do add me! ign : mrjing gunz is like so damn fun! i got back my skill0rz! :O 1337 pwnage lool no its not nerdish to be playing computer games its a form of destressing. its definately better then venting your anger on a wall or theft or like raping someone in the streets gunbound is hella fun when you find the right person to play with! i already made like 3 Online friends alr. LOL dope one guy lives in california? dang! the other guy lives like in woodlands and he was using his sister's acct lool. damn eh? so much ohh and .. today abit happy la. this senior smile at me :O shit later she see this how? ZOMG LOL DIE DIE DIE nvm i dont even know her name ;O i mean like. wasnt even expecting her to look at me then i look hat her.. then viola! zomg :O :O :O :O aiya but da jie jie. sian :O i shy la :D:D to everybody who wants me to link/relink I HAV FINALLY DONE IT>. YAAY and i took me 5 darn minutes! SO MAFAN LA. you see hw many links i got..!! zomg. like if each link takes 1minute to relink i think ive wasted almost a few hours of my life ;x rawrr ;O amy since you said please.. ;O joselyn im done!! sarah yeo i did it! but never come out! but now i double check le :D zhi sheng - yes probably! loL you careful sial
Friday, April 18, 2008
i'm staying single from now on (: (:
thank god, god blessed us men to think with our johnathans. so we get over craps easier haha! today great day. althought it started out shitty dint bother to reply loky cuz i thought he'd understand that i agreed that they could come but wthheck lOl in the end we went to meet up with hadi they all( + zhi + sheng + tian + teng +cal) and zheng xun joined us later. wahahaha stupid idiot. we had 11 ppl so i decided to play out the first round and go bnet. they had all the fun. although i expected that whichever team that had xh. whoops i dint mention his name cuz he was with us(ivan me loky don) yup and they lost wahaha i was playing another game and reached like lvl 21 and xh was still like 10. i was like WOW HIS NOT BADDDDD l000l yupy yup then we went to subway for dinner! damn footlong is HUGE.. but that doesnt mean that i ate it by myself shared mine with ZHI SHENG :D:D i think im falling for him already. damn fun to be with him! the other day we were like talking about geography test questions when he told me about these 3 most important : NAME:_______ CLASS:______ DATE:_______ and we went on for like 10mins over these 3 questions lool lame ass shit..or shitasslame oh bball was great. played with some philiphino gays that were so fast like cheetas omg lol. played like 3 mathches and lost all i think lOl. what to do. how can a grou p of 3 bare footed guys + one guy wearing SHIRT to play bball win a bunch of crazy bball freaks! loll (not saying we're not bball freaks...) but anyhoo. lol been having the vibe to dance these few days. been 2 weeks. DAMNN. so many things i wanna learn, and a more sudden interest on bboy AND ballroom. shit man what a combination -_- then i can do turns on both my heads and legs w00t i don't mind being an allrounder ahaha (: oh and been working on my beatboxing ! yup..! i beat people up using boxing (LAUGH WITH ME AHA AHA AHA) ohohoh and before i forget!! ytd bball was fun as hell too ! NO wait not just fun lOl FUNNY AS HELL !! loky stole like 6 balls and half of the stolen ball. he lost them again and then like everyone else(like me xh zhiwei teng) all fell on the floor LAUGHING LIKE HELL lol! then then then sj joined us,when i was taking a rest and we decided to join the game( me ivan oohjing and sook juan) me and ivan joined against the other team including samuel.. and oohjing and sook juan were with samuel! both teams got different boosts. our team got some gay morale boost while the opponent team got chio bu boost lol~ the boost gradient was like 'infinity' (straight line) aha aha aha. then like woahh ! everybody went like BOM BOM BOM SCORE! super boost haha. then some egolistic guy kept challenging me. then i duin want mah in the end just give face like him score 3 balls lorr ;O then like zhi wei want to play (which his spectacles was broke by him earlier on. HE SHOULD HAV PAYED MAN haha) then we won. ;o then he was like so angry. and whats with the gg man. its ok. i know you're trying to be nice to me and all that. but i dont really know you, and you shouldnt just come N-1 us like that ya know? its ok. i know great game man (: oh and thats about it for my day! do tag please when you visit. i keep the emoness to the minimum from now on. since i've made a mindset (: meanwhile listen to this song, great beat, great lyrics. ENJOY
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
my anger is still not out. maybe i should just go to bed. yes i should really do that anyway heard that jane caught hand foot and mouth disease? i don't know? but get well soon okay girl? i'm probably the last person you would thought to recieve this. but hey im still human and i worry for people. oh hell =/ frigging hell i want smooth criminal. the song gives me the vibe . perhaps dancing is the best way of destressing for me. im not holding back. from tml onwards. all my free time goes into practicing. here i come gym dun run! i'll update tml for sure. definately. lets hope when i look back at this post in the future i would be able to laugh at how foolish i still am now. all we can do is hope. no wait. theres no we. theres only me. no one to cry to. no shoulder to lie on. nobody to COMPLAIN. ahh w/e
stupid idiot cramps
idiot cramps. why wouldnt you have comed earlier. like 2 hours earlier. damn i hate having leg cramps all alone at home damnit! nobody to pull for you, and when you scream you look like a complete idiot to yourself!! this time it was the damned effing right leg. and it still hurts. but i did have fun today. samuel came to play bball. and it was like after damn long since i last pushed myself this hard( the last time i did this was like during trainning) !! the only reason was cause he was like a head taller than me!(im already `1.8m imagine him!) DANG EH? thats not just all. it was the first time ivan's sweat reached his 4th button on his shirt lol. i dint know he took notice of that! well samuel please do come back and play with us ! Lol.. oyes this mornning during VL great fun as hell man lol~ we played chop chilli chop IMPROVISED VERSION( by yours truly) edited it to the taiwan game qin ni gen wo zhe yang zuo ( please follow me and do this ) i love my translation. lOl yeah yeah and like damn funny whenever it reaches sebestian/zhengxun they mess up most of the times lol~ and like zheng xun did several questionable things to Priscilla AND Hui Wen ^^ and he probably likes it. he should really thank eric KOSHASKI (something like that) lool yeah then we were playing the number game using your thumbs then the middle finger game. LOL v hard to explain come to me if you're interested hhahaha. its damn hard the middle finger game. DAMN ( i call it that cuz we make use of your middle fingers. well at least we arent swearing) oh and after school 2 idiots(jonas and harris) dropped by school wanting to eat canteen food ( WHICH SUCKS TO THE CORE.. ok nvm at least their hokkien mee not bad la) and always get free stuff ^^ eg. today i paid 1.10 for 1.20 laska PLUS a nugget ;O lol.. have gotten better offers during other days. but wthheck :D so we went to tmart to eat and i learnt from harris that theres a minimart behind which sells caned drinks at 70cents each! DAMNIT. why dint i thought of it for the past 2 years WTHWTHWTHHH but w/e lOl harris was greeted by li xuan with such heart breaking words. "i think you like worst with your hair rebonded" DAMNNNNN he got like OWNNEEDD lol it was like *sound of glass breaking* there goes his 50$ down the drain. ouww well at least i think he looks well sortuf older? but still yup, unless your hair covers the whole of your freakking face . it makes a difference or well you pretty much are dependent on your features really. stupid cramps still hurting how to type ROARRR SLAP YOU LA CRAMPS DAMN YOU. TO HELL WITH THE CRAMPS great day today. it was fun. hella fun (: (other then the stupid FREAKING DAMNIT CRAMPS OMFGGG. ps. I KILL YOU) i should have FUCKING listened when i could, i really should have. damn this shit, i rest my case. i guess it was all for my own good. Be glad that i hadnt gone further, be glad that i still have my limbs, be glad that i have not gone berserk, thank god that im still thinking with a clear mind. im not angry at you, im angry with myself. i guess i was too foolish i'm only 15 come on, i have better things to do! come on liu jing, you can do it tml's a new day, start a fresh, throw everything else fucking far away. and think straight im sorry for the fucking harsh/coarse languages. im pissed. real pissed at myself. there is a time for everyone to need the time machine and i fucking need it right now. from the second i click post. i am never to its time to go back, back to the real my self. i can't keep lying to myself not everyone wants what you want dear boy. fuck you liu jing, fuck you for being so dumb. as for you, i hope you're happy. i don't really care if it was a misunderstanding. im just glad im wide awake at 10.16pm. you ruin my day bitch/whore/bastard/ w/e i do not like the attention, how can anyone stand being confronted 120times in half an hour about what you can do or not do. okay? FUCK YOU. i'm being kind with my words already. if i were to get any meaner, i'll make you swear you were never born. sigh i think i over reacted the previous 10minutes. edited my post 4 times already sigh i don't know. i guess guys have pms too. just without blood flowing out im damned pissed at every small little thing and i don't know why. dont ask i'll just get mad again replies - jolene - haha i stood out because they were all in black and tall and white -_- but thats so nice of you!!! -tian yoyoyo okayyy mrbean :O sarah- haha hokayy. i want a smile on my link lool
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
ns.. bummer
picture the following scenario - a recruit has been training endlessly doing thousands of push-ups and hurdles everyday just for that very important and special day. he dedicates his time, his faith, his everything into this tiny pocket of hope for saving his country. the day finally came, the lieutenant unfortunately has been the recruit's best friend for years. not wanting to let him die. the lieutenant decided to look for other soldiers. much weaker ones and sent em to battle. And just asks the recruit to continue his training, giving almost none, but little hints telling him that he might one day be sent in to fight. how useless and pointless the recruit now feels about his life. The only thing he had been waiting for, dedicated to. Not being able to put it to use. He felt that he could just pick up the gun and shoot every other recruits there are remaining so that he, is left remained to be the only one, to be picked. great story eh? 25/30! O_O lool. when i logged in, was cheered the hell up by zhi sheng for showing me the stupid ken lee video lol! its this girl whom can't speak english trying to sing a mirah carey song where theres this verse which goes "can't live" and she goes KEN LEEEEE and screams into the mike! l00ls. running home half naked at 1am really helps your 2.4km run to get 9mins and 43 seconds. i guess thats an achievement!(improvement of 10seconds WOW)
Saturday, April 12, 2008
damned comp
stoopid comp wouldnt turn on for 2days and today it took me almost an hour to get it up.. grrrhh but at least you were kind enough to on .. <3 src="file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Owner/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpg" alt=""> in other news.. ![]() <-- notice how only my name has the heart and other ppl only has got at most an exclmation mark and a bold? ;o wh00hoo ;D ohyes and also THANK YOU TP OREINTATION jonas and rong bin are back together and gayer then ever (cough cough lOL) woosh. both of them top 2 dancing kings woah ;O a pity they couldnt find their dancing queens <=. ahahaha somebody made me say the same shit like 4 times in 3 different places. just to mess with me. shant elaborate on tat. w/e lOl tag replies- kar + hui shan -- > LAME. at least compliment me on my blog lahhh dangit =O Jolene Khoo --> haha impressed? THANKS! i don't think im half as good as others anyway ;x
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
I love Karmaine a lot!!!! :D not removing the above statement to keep evidence of whats the result of logging in to your blogger in other ppl's comp then go do other stuffs usually when someone does this. it actually means that they have feelings for you. ( :O :O :O ) ouww ehh? :o hoho. you never know whats going in their minds unless you're a physcologist(phyco-lo-gist) yes thats what i said lOl.(physiologist) lol this noob, so many exclamation marks still not enough now kope my blogger(AGAIN, i fell for the same trick twice damnit ) although im sorry la cannot pei you go tuition(which you did not go in the end) lol. sometimes a man has gotta serve his stomach first BO BIAN you know what they say. a hungry man is an angry man! wat to do ;O oh and there were so many things you said like never tell me or forever call me smth. :O you dint follow ^_^ but not bad la. tat makes you cute lOL but whatever. lol sooo jealous. got ps2 + xbox -.- i only got xbox and psp -,- lawl(all the game original somemore I THINK) lool. nvm i hope my poa passes -.- damnit oh i passed my chem test. but not gud enough! i better start revising. just took physics test today. it was okay. not too tough, neither too easy but w/e lets stop talkinga bout studies, no wait one more. IM SO SCREWED FOR A MATHS ON FRIDAY-_- stupid stupid stupid! damned fan. FRIGGING WORK -.- make me ban the stupid fan to my comp room wth. so hot lurh -,- danggg aiya i dunno what to blog la dangit. Tag replies- kar - please do read your tag again, cuz i think its oudated ;O huishan- yes yes do say hi to other ppl and ignore the blog owner =( yonghao- yep lol even seniors have stuffs to type what -_-
Sunday, April 6, 2008
ohh damn
some people are great at pulling off scams especially scamming the same person 3 days in a day, damnit(ps check out the link with so many exclamation marks, i totally did not do that on my own will) and also got nothing in return-,- alright i think i dint blog ytd now did i? anyway. what i did ytd practically playing dbz against jerven with my new and improved skills that i koped from my cousin(jovian) but before i get there i had tuition in the mornning. left 30mins earlier to rush down to city hall joined by jonas at tampinese. locking today was taught by ryan. cuz unfornately ian wasn't around frankly. i prefer to followw ryan's style of locking then ian not saying that ian isn't dope ian is definately doper then ryan. i mean like. i like ryan's style(fix style) as in like. the stops the angles. ian is really really groovy and like smooth and stuff kenneth(k-lock) is dope too. was taught a little by him during recitel when i say little i really mean very little dang lol. ok so, after locking course. jervan and qi yang came down cuz jervan and jonas registering for K.O. night(and qiyang had bboy open after that) i wanted to register for popping too. until i talked to xiao mei about it and she started to scare me >_< DANG! so yeah. i sorta gave up then after that lunch we went to a near by coffeeshop which we then changed our idea cuz the food there apparently wasnt very appetizing, then we found ourselves someone nice to sit at the top floor of raffles place and ate our PEPPER LUNCH EXPRESS i had teriyaki chicken. forgot what the others had. but there was definately curry beef, beef, chicken, and smth else. lol so qi yang left first and me and jervan started DBZ-ING lol jonas soon fell asleep but we still continued.! mwahahaha it was a dbz marathon we like 'took turns' to win. but it was totally unintentional. but at least this time i dint get pwned every single time. and actually trashed him a few rounds :D ALMOST PERFECT (till he shot one stupid ball 58 dmg -.- ) lol yeah after jonas wake up, he got bored and left to meet his friend at kebangan. but we still continued to play. then we were joined by qi yang and harris again after their class. (WE STILL PLAYING DBZ) lol then jonas sms me say he saw kenneth(k-lock) at esplanade! woah ;O ok then after that he called jerven to join them, i unfortunately had to meet my parents at bugis. where to fetch me to like some near mustafa(under the sengsong) place to eat. then like yeah tats my saturday today. i shall just summurise what i did lOl starting to get lazy with my posts. i shall start flipping my dictionary each time i post (: -wake up -sleep -wake up -play psp -go eat breakfast -go bed play psp -lunch -piano -met the scammer and went to AHMA(joselyn) house -where the scammer scam me to put so many exclamation marks -MJ -sleep on ahma bed -left to play ball -scammer and ahma went to 'BUY DRINKS" came back like an hour later and told us they went to eat also -_- shit them i wanted to eat also la damnit! -then like play ball with so many bombs. flying around. -kenna wack twice -but shot in 5 3-pointers to day. seriously im improving -saw LIM -lol. -then like go home ( oj left first though, she had to rush home) -i needed to, but not so early -so went home with a scammer whom scammed me on the bus again -scammer did some questionable things this time ( and secretly likes it ) and tats my day. lol tag replies - scammer- thats a good thing mah (: darren- lol, its not that my fringe not short enough, is your fringe too short :O oj- OMG SORRY LOL >_< see when lor haha ada- I KNOW I KNOW DAMN COOL RIGHT ? LOL EH which one your new email ah? i dlted you by accident -___- wtf daphne- what happend to the other A between the P and the H OMG . aiya i follow you, you follow me all the same lahh
Friday, April 4, 2008
i can't think of titles. dangit
note to self. stretch till you cramp every monday and fridays. or go to hell. ok maybe not hell... but just some unpleasent place maybe. lolz anyway. damn twirls and spins are hard. what more if you're doing it alone for the first time AND you have to perform a solo in 2 months time. DANGIT and yes my blogging is super inconsistent. sometimes i blog alot within a week.sometimes i dun blog at all :D lol anyway today. was dangit lame loool. until after school that is. no wait. i almost forgot yesterday's spa was hella fun! the datalogger is like this mini touch screen computer damn cool la then got this PAINT and you could change its background too and tat gives teachers a headache looking at all their background change (: mwahahaha *evil grins* guess whats my background? GHANDI. i dint really put his name. it was just a *LMAOLOLROFL* coloured stickman. :D ok.. moving on everyone know patience is important. but sometimes you lose it. waiting for someone whos waiting for someone WHO is waiting for someone. DANGIT RIGHT? lool you just give up and go to tmart and eat and see who the hell follows you wahaha. k so. i did that. and had a few supporters of ma own. (ONE) heres some space for you to open your mouth .. .. .. .. ok la actually got a few la. kenneth. daphane(not really following me) zhi wei darren(following either zhiwei/daphane/katherine) katerine(following daphane) xiang hao. and i forget le wahaha k nvm then eat then go back play more piano... then then then then then then. ohyes went to find a keymaker lol dang he was out so i went to play ball so i picked up the ball ( THE NIKE ONE YES ITS HEAVY ) and shot one at the 3 pointer line(woah eh?) everyone dint bother thought it would miss. so did i.. and this sound came. PFF CHOPPED OMFG LOL okok. got in got give right? so i took the ball again. SHOOT PFF LOL IT WENT IN TWICEEE AT ONE GOOO OMG LOOOL AND MY FIRST 2 BALLZ of the day then after that "2on2"ed ivan which soon becomed a 1on1 cuz both the girls gave up on chasing us. cuz when they mark each other, both of them don't get the ball. and if they mark us they cant get the ball lol. so yeah . dan-tiao-ed ivan. for the dunno how many times i've lost to him. this time it was different. i din't care if i lost! I SHOT 2 FRIGGING THREE POINTERS LOL!!!(incase passer-bys are wondering whats so funny, i can't shoot for nuts since sec one to now) alright so we played. he scored the first ball. (damned gay) then i scored my equalizer then my 2nd then a third then he scored his 2nd then my 4th then my 5th then.. he frigging shot 3 gaypointers in a row -.- damnit so the score was now 5-5 then 5-6 damnit his good -.- i evened it later on 6-6! but bloody hell. what can you do with a guy that can lay up fast as hell and shoot accurate as hell. he won ohwell haha at least i did better then the last time(7-2) LOL yeahh then went back to they keyshop woot it opened choosed keys, i wanted like purple and some other colour i dint know what i couldnt rmb. but he was left with like red orange and green. wtf traffic light! ok anyway i choosed the red and green. green for me red for my sis ^^ okokok then halfway while he was doing the keys. hui jun called. (dont know how the hell she got my number but woah) talkinga bout joselyn losing her wallet at kfc. lol wth yes so i helped them carry theirr bags i so nice. nono wait. b4 that. the uncle finish. i almost took the keys and left without paying then i was like whoops then turn around pay him 6 bucks DAMN expensive shit. alright then dance. no new routine but probably changing the hip hop routine soon. oh wait there was a new routine. for me that is. solo mah. must turn like dog as mentioned from above! then yah stupid things like. me taking xiao qian's place and now i have a new name aka xiao jing jing or smth like that :O i dont mind lOl i was always a fan of mo jing jing k then bball karmaine there again. just so she doesn't complain this time. i shall return her a favour *karmaine is damn chio with her hair purposely covering the mole n her 4 piercings on her left ear(if im not wrong) and the stupid dumb smile and also the small eyes that frigging resembles mine (YES I KNOW THAT) and so kindhearted yada yada yada blah blah blah you get where i'm going* k. enough of the bad stuff. lets move on. can't believe i have so much to say for such a short day my memory is finally improving. i rmb blogging about how little i can remember from a day lOL k anyway after dance. played ball with karmaine, jose and ken. awhile. we were practically practing our 3 pointers la(me and ken) lol then after that we had a 5on5. my team was me(of cuz) wei xiang(hehe boss) er was it something point. i forgot his name shit. lol. the choir senior guy and nuru(yes syafiq's sister. and also assidiq's sister) ok nvm VERSUS ANDY HO(real boss) ken loo(damn did he grow) this guy they called traveller. damn his tall! dint catch his name. but lol. and priscilla(don't know who she is some senior from bball) oh and binghui ok the game was damn funny la i tell you bing hui + andy + wei xiang + a shitload of nonsense = nonsense to the power of infinate. oh hell half the game was about laughing anyway. we won. hehs scored quite a few and that was my day. oh no. i took my mom's key's too. so i had to rush back to open door for her lOl sry mom XD
Thursday, April 3, 2008
today wasn't that much of a bad day. other then the screwed up PoA test and the frigging A maths that i finally understand a little bit after 2 hours of lessons (OMFGWTFLAWTHWTHWTH) damnit poa test. 2 trial balance i barely finished the 1st one and it dint balance! whats more i dint touch the 2nd one WTF WTF im a failure -.- ./gg dangit will work doubly hard for the next one and theres frigging english compo tml situational dangg i hope i can tyco tyco-y get the format right lOL ;X aight anyway. there was this other thing that i have been wanting to say for ages.. like almost a week. (thats damn long lol) its about the class and i'm sorry if i offended anyone. or maybe i'm just too old for this anymore like. class can you guys give some respect to the teachers? like our new teacher miss wang? she did try her best when she first stepped into the class now shes just giving attention to those who seeks em alright another great teacher down the drain. great job guys. sigh . i mean what? just like give her your attention for that few minutes for her to give instructions is that so hard? and damnit CHAIRMAN, you're the frigging chairman and you chase every teacher out of the class? like 5 mins before the period starts to end you go like CLASS STAND when the teacher's still halfway thru his/her lesson. and bloody hell it gets annoying. you talk all day and all of a sudden, you just 'feel' like paying a little attention and you ask some lame ass shit that has been repeated a shitload of times by the cher okay. its annoying. damnit AND TODAY. we have sup from 2-3. i suppose its your job to bluff the whole class that theres at 15mins break? whats this ? screwing with the time table? i hope your happy. i don't want to shout in class aight. i'm not spoil spot. but theres just a time to study and a time to play. hey we all payed school fees. be more understanding. anyway. today. afternoon. after the chinese test went to tmart to join xm who was with kenneth. what a weird couple lol. one cheewan one anti-cheena. but w/e they have something in common ^^ hehs lol. anyway i TOLD ivan i was comming. cept i dint said when lOL then unfortunately i came about like an hour after(psp can be addictive) which when it started to rain. then i walk faster towards the court then saw OOH jing! CARMINE/karnina/karmaine/w/e lol fenedes(OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT I CAN"T FRIGGING SPELL IT OMG LA LOL) and some girl lol. the some girl went to the bus stop so anyway she aint an important part of the story k then walking to the court. saw ivan ABOUT to go back. then he saw me! then he decided to play until like 5 with us then it rain again lOl thne he went home. then me and kar decided to play in the rain if the other one does. so yeah we did and then we DAN TIAOED . ( II WON IT AHHAHAHA) then we were joined by zhi wei, cal and ghandididididi then xm came soon after. then it rained again then we go play psp and then alot of things happen then play 3on3 and yada yada. then after tat everyone go le derrick joined us also btw lol sorry the order may be a little messed up. but wthheck. imaginate it w/e way you want to. wahahaha then dan tiaoed kar again. (purposely pang zui one) so that she wins. then like went home after that so and so( someone conn-ed my big gulp btw, BASKET) oh and i also v happy today cuz i shot like 6, 3-pointers today! and i made 2 shots in a row once! OMG SO HAPPY Lol not bad eh eh EHHH? :P oh ps. karmaine's blog contains some false facts but the last paragraph is totally true ! |